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Singer/Songwriter-Guitarist Tomás Doncker, pioneer of the Global Soul movement, releases “Wherever You Go,” the first track from a three-song EP to be released in May on True Groove Records. Struggling to deal with the Covid-19/Coronavirus pandemic, Doncker has created an uplifting message of hope and strength, and musical prayer for humanity. “I had been very consciously trying to find a way to express what I wanted to say to people right now. To put things in a hopeful place in the face of this crisis, a message to my fellow man. I woke up one morning singing the words ‘wherever you go.’ By the time I finished getting coffee and picked up my guitar—boom—it was a song. It all came to me at once; it almost scared me. It was almost an out of body experience, it was cathartic, emotional and very quick. I wrote the entire song in 10 mins and it was if I had known it my entire life.” 

Teaming up with director/cinematographer William Murray, the powerfully emotional video for “Wherever You Go” sees Doncker on a Brooklyn, NYC rooftop, along with the True Groove All Stars (an international collective of Global Soul artists spanning Europe & North America) coming together via various digital devices to create a positive, inspiring aura that demonstrates the unifying and healing power of music. There have always been songs that define moments in history, songs that transcend time and become part of the fabric of popular culture. “Wherever You Go” is THE song for THIS moment. It defines where we are at today - collectively, as a planet - with a message that will stand the test of time.